Keep Yourself Clean: The First Solo Exhibition By VOLNA Presented in Virtual Space


The exhibition is available online until July 20,2020. Visiting the virtual exhibition is free and does not require registration, inputting personal data or installing any software. Watch a video preview.


Visitors have the options to download an exhibition catalog in English or Russian, provide feedback in the e-guestbook, and leave a donation for the artists.


This online exhibition represents the first time VOLNA’s enthusiasm for pragmatic production processes has been reflected in a simulated world. The virtual exhibition Keep Yourself Clean attempts to embrace all the real and virtual layers of information that make up each of the works, and then let the works themselves become the determinants of perception. With their help, each of the contexts will “re-sort” in the virtual world, rethink and obey the laws of perception, and each work, in turn, will become an experience of sensory contemplation. Visit the DAHJ Gallery page, to see and read more about the virtual exhibition.
