Editorial Assistant for Copyediting


The International Journal for Digital Art History (DAHJ) is accepting applications for an editorial assistant for copyediting. We are looking for an experienced candidate with wide-ranging interests in digital art history and related fields (media studies, digital humanities, information science) who wants to help DAHJ keep on top of the rigorous publishing process.

Responsibilities include:

  • Assisting the editorial team in the publication workflow, particularly in the copyediting stage

  • Corresponding with journal authors about their submitted work

  • Maintaining a timely editorial schedule in collaboration with the entire team

  • Attending weekly, one-hour zoom meetings to stay informed regarding current editorial activities

This volunteer position will require approximately 3-5 hours a week. If you are a student and your institution offers credit for internships in the field, the DAHJ is able to work with your institution and serve as supervisor. At the DAHJ, we are all volunteers. We do this as a professional service because we enjoy collaborating and building the field together. We understand that this is a commitment and expect us all to work together to find a way to produce publications in a way that is respectful of everyone’s time, effort, and various commitments.


A native English speaker, experienced copyeditor in the Chicago Manual of Style, and ability to make a long-term commitment to the DAHJ team is preferable. Applicants should send a cover letter and CV to editors@dahj.org.