CFP: Visual Science of Art Conference (VSAC)


Amsterdam, The Netherlands


August 24–27 2022

Deadline for Submissions

March, 1st 2022 /May, 1st, 2022


The VSAC invites all people that connect visual perception and the arts (e.g., empirical, experimental, philosophical, phenomenological, computational approaches).

The VSAC has been around since 2012 when Baingio Pinna organised it as a satellite symposium for the European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP). This year, the ECVP will be organised in Nijmegen (1,5 hours train travel from Amsterdam).  

VSAC 2022 theme: realities

This year, the VSAC team will organise a number of activities around a central theme: ‘realities’. The plural form realities suggest a departure from the idea of reality understood as a singular, objective and universal thing. The VSAC team invites a number of artists and scientists that work with and within different types of realities (cultural, virtual, digital, offline, online, scientific, fictional, speculative) and different perspectives (human, non-human, algorithmic) on realities to critically reflect on, or to enact, different histories and processes of world-building.

Now confirmed artists are:

Edwin Zwakman
Coralie Vogelaar
Floris Schönfeld
Tine Melzer

General scope

The motivation behind a central theme is to organise a meaningful discussion between art and science. It is not meant as a restriction of the general contributions for the VSAC. As in previous years, the VSAC team welcomes novel work in the fields of visual art, perception & art, empirical aesthetics, vision-related art history, philosophy of art and vision, computer graphics and art, etc.  In addition to these, the VSAC looks very much forward to receiving submissions around the following topics:

  • Digital art history

  • GAN / generative art

  • Visual topics in art conservation

  • Art reproduction / digitization / visualisation

  • Style across space, time and media

  • Art experience in real vs virtual environments

  • The role of context (e.g. pedestal, frame, museum, etc)

CFP timeline

16-12-2021 Call for symposia
01-03-2022 Symposium submission closes
01-04-2022 Abstract submission site opens
15-04-2022 Notification of acceptance symposia
01-05-2022 Abstract submission closes
01-06-2022 Notification of acceptance
24-08-2022 Start VSAC Amsterdam
